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Thursday, June 7, 2007

Paris' Parallel Universe

Yes, I know, enough Paris Hilton already. I'm with you my friends, but I just can't resist commenting on today's 'top story' (as it was billed on about every newscast I flipped through). It seems Paris was traumatized by 'jail' to the point of a medical situation that warranted her reassignment to home with a ankle bracelet. Boo hoo.

Am I the only one who sees the similarities between Paris' posh home life and the House of Orange? Let's see...

  • "People" open her mail for her at home - Check. People do that for you in jail, too.

  • People do her laundry at home - Another Check.

  • People cook for her at home - Checkeroo.

  • Visitors/fans have to pass through a security gauntlet to see Paris at home - Checkaleckabingbom.

  • In the past, Paris has been video taped for observation at home - Check.o.rama.

That's a lot of familiarity with the House of Orange! What gives? Well, best wishes for a speedy recovery, Paris. Thousands of young girls are waiting to be influenced by your next mistake. (I'm filing this one under crime because it fits on so many levels.)

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You Are 40% Cynical
Generally you give people the benefit of the doubt. But there are exceptions.
You buy into many of the things that mainstream society believes, but you're not anybody's fool.