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Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Scarlet Letter Remixed

The crooks are on to something with this one. It seems four criminals branded "SNITCH" on a woman's face during a surprise attack after luring her into an apartment. They allegedly did this in retaliation for her reporting two of them to Arizona's Department of Child Protective Services for endangerment involving drug abuse. The couple's kid(s) were taken away as a result. Awww.

Let's turn the tables and brand the criminals instead of the victims. Wouldn't you like to know if your new babysitter had a drinking problem? I bet a big "DUI" across her forehead would be helpful. Or the teacher of your son's first grade class sporting a "pedophile" in small block letters from one cheek to the other via the bridge of the nose. This is fun! One more..."fraudster" branded into your financial advisor's palm.

Relax, ACLU. Of course this could never happen. People deserve a second chance. Just not a ninth or tenth one. Sizzzzle....


tigergirl said...

yep - I've had a couple of bosses that deserved 'jerk' on their forehead, I don't really think it was necessary though, anyone that came into contact with them would have known from the get go.

Cat said...

That's funny, Tigergirl! This branding has lots of potential...

Anonymous said...

I hope that a law enforcement officer is allowed to be tagged...

Best wishes

Bill Blunt

Cat said...

Of course, Bill Blunt. There are sharks in every ocean.

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You Are 40% Cynical
Generally you give people the benefit of the doubt. But there are exceptions.
You buy into many of the things that mainstream society believes, but you're not anybody's fool.