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Monday, June 18, 2007

Vile Men Picked Off

The world is a little safer for children today as British police and U.S. authorities crashed a global internet pedophile ring of 700 suspects and 31 child victims. Most of the children live in London, some only a few months old. About a third of the suspects are also London-based. Officials said the U.S., Canada and Australia provided major investigative support, along with help from 35 countries in total.

Police used surveillance methods normally practiced for anti-terror and drug trafficking operations to expose this ring from the bottom up to top level players. They traced the ring to a chat room called "Kids the Light of Our Lives" offering streaming videos of kids enduring horrible sexual torture.

Bravo, police! I can only imagine the scores of investigators who likely put their own lives and families on hold in pursuit of bringing down the devil. I know from my own workplace how investigations consume officers and sometimes devour them for years with no tangible outcome. It encourages me so much that people like these investigators are here with us, on our side, willing to sacrifice and tip the scales back towards goodness.

It seems to me there really is a constant pull between good and evil around here. An ancient tug-o-war from the beginning of time. At some point, everyone must choose what side of the rope they will tow. What makes a man cross over to filth? What happens to the decency inside a person when they offend against children, especially? Is it completely snuffed out or is it still there, screaming into the perv's conscience only to be pushed aside by twisted desire? Well, luckily 700 such unspeakables are now in custody. Let's hope the charges stick.

1 comment:

tigergirl said...

some only months old?? Ugh, this makes me sick!! How do these people sleep at night?

by the way, I like your blog.

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You Are 40% Cynical
Generally you give people the benefit of the doubt. But there are exceptions.
You buy into many of the things that mainstream society believes, but you're not anybody's fool.